Happy Family: These 5 Tips Ensure More Harmony

Published on 01/29/2023

What is the secret recipe for a happy family? Of course, there is no one-size-fits-all formula. But still, some factors can make a big difference. Try it out! Here are 6 important ingredients for more cohesion and a family life full of harmony.

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Happy Family: These 6 Tips Ensure More Harmony

Talking (and listening!)

In films, every love drama seems to arise from a misunderstanding and unspoken things. In real life, however, we want to spare ourselves this drama. Good communication is therefore the be-all and end-all in every relationship. With your parents among each other, but also with the children.

Positive Atmosphere

Words form thoughts. So watch your language. Sure, a bit of gossip is fun and the “us against the rest of the world” feeling also connects without a doubt. But constant gossip, taunting, and taunting, no matter how affectionate it may be, can hurt and cause you to distance yourself from one another and from other people. Pay attention to what you notice about other people throughout the day and what you say about it. Praise more, give compliments, say what made you happy.

Create Support Network

“It takes a whole village to raise children” is an African proverb. And indeed, in the past it was often grandma and grandpa, aunts and uncles and the whole neighborhood who looked after the children and each other. It’s no longer that easy today, as we often don’t stay in the village for the rest of our lives, or even live in the part of town where we grew up. Families are spread all over the world, grandma and grandpa often hundreds of kilometers away. However, you don’t have to be lonely. School friends, neighbors, clubs, or the community – happy families create a support network. In this way, your children not only learn that they are not alone, but also that it is important to be there for others.

Preserving Traditions And History

It might sound a bit outdated, but this isn’t about royal rituals and serious faces at all. Find something that connects you as a family, something that you always and regularly do together. It might sound a bit outdated, but this isn’t about royal rituals and serious faces at all. Find something that connects you as a family, something that you always and regularly do together. When you talk to your children about your family history, you show them where they come from and where they belong. They get a better understanding of who they are and learn about the ups and downs and how their family held together despite everything. It shows them that together we can be strong, it also gives them security and strengthens their self-confidence.

Don’t Compare

Even if it is important to look left and right in life and to pay attention to others, we always have to be careful not to constantly compare ourselves to others. Influencers in particular, but also friends and acquaintances, often show us a perfect life and their super happy family on social media. In truth, however, we only see the facade there. We don’t see how much work is behind it and at what ends savings are made for it (because it will be!). So stop the constant competition! Look at yourself and be happy for yourself.