Mistakes That Make Your Apartment Look Oldfashioned

Published on 02/01/2023

Does your apartment need a modern interior update? You should avoid these mistakes when setting up if you don’t want your home to look old-fashioned.

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Mistakes That Make Your Apartment Look Oldfashioned

Mistake #1: Insufficient Lighting

A bright apartment – that’s what we all want. But be careful: bright and especially glaring light, which comes from a ceiling lamp in the living room, for example, just looks sterile and uncomfortable. There is also the danger that not all corners of the room are optimally illuminated and it can therefore appear quite overwhelming. Your lovingly selected furnishings move completely into the background.

Mistake #2: Only Shop At Flea Markets

Sure: At the flea market you can not only get great bargains, but with a bit of luck you can also find real treasures. However, if you only buy your furniture and decorations at the flea market, your home can quickly look a bit old-fashioned.

Mistake #3: Owning Too Much Furniture And Decorative Items

When it comes to furnishing, the motto also applies: Less is more! Because too much furniture and decorative elements, even in a large room, can feel restrictive and give your home an old-fashioned touch. In addition, most tracks lose their effect completely if everything is way too overloaded.

Mistake #4: Ruining Your Style With Unsightly Household Items

Funny, isn’t it? We always pay attention to quality and aesthetics when it comes to furniture, flowers and pictures, plan everything down to the smallest detail – and then there is a brightly colored dishcloth in the kitchen next to the squeaky detergent bottle. A small faux pas, which unfortunately completely ruins the overall picture.

Mistake #5: Put All The Furniture Against The Wall

You have avoided all mistakes so far, but your living room still looks uncomfortable and old-fashioned? Then it’s high time to move some furniture. Because large rooms in particular appear strangely inhospitable when all the furniture is neatly positioned against the wall and there is a large free space in the middle.

Mistake #6: Too Many Books

Think you can never have enough books? none. Because crammed bookshelves just look old-fashioned and make the whole room uncomfortable. And let’s be honest: Most of the books we keep we don’t read a second time anyway, right?

Mistake #7: Use Only Dark Colors

The same applies here as for the lighting. Putting together the facility with only dark furniture overwhelms the room and makes the apartment look old-school. It is better to choose light nuances and set interesting contrasts with a darker color.