How To Avoid Arguing On Family Vacation

Published on 01/31/2023

Fights on family vacations seem to be somehow inevitable when the children reach a certain age… We want to spend our time together traveling as harmoniously and relaxed as possible. Our ultimate travel tips will ensure that you will have a super relaxed vacation without arguments and with lots of laughter with your family.

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How To Avoid Arguing On Family Vacation

Include The Children In The Travel Planning

Buy one or maybe even two travel guides that come up with lots of pictures and great tips about your travel destination. Not of the type 8 font size and with encyclopedia ambitions, but a travel guide that makes the highlights palatable at a glance. Your children will be curious and spontaneously suggest what they would like to see and experience on holiday. On site you can then ask them what they want to do and they will have an answer!

Choose A Destination That Makes Everyone Happy

It doesn’t help anyone if mum and dad really want to experience the rough beauty of Ireland again, but the kids want nothing more than a beach holiday on the Adriatic Sea. First a few days in Normandy and then on to the south of France to relax… By the way, it’s super easy to travel non-stop to France by train.

Book Of Accommodation With Plenty Of Space

Make sure that your room offers enough (free) space so that everyone can withdraw when they need it. This will definitely avoid arguments.

Everyone Can Take 3 Desired Items With Them

Up to a certain age, mum and dad pack the holiday suitcases for the offspring so that the holidays can be approached with reasonably dressed clothes. Nevertheless, you should also involve your children here and let them pack a few things that they really want to have with them themselves. What seems unimportant to you may be the most important thing to her. So that this doesn’t break out into unordered chaos, limit the number of favorite parts right from the start.

Plan The Week Together

There’s nothing more frustrating for your kids when they wake up looking forward to a day at the beach and then find out over breakfast that you’ve spontaneously decided to plan a day in the city. Since the dispute is inevitable. If you have observed point 1, there is already a list of desired activities for all family members. Plan this roughly on site so that there are no unpleasant surprises. Sure, the weather can always put a spanner in the works, but even mom’s superpower can’t change that. A little spontaneity must always be in it!

Take It Easy

Holidays are not necessarily the time when the most important parenting measures need to be taken. Finally, you are all together in one place, mum and dad have time for the offspring and there is probably a lot going on for your children. There can be an explosion of happiness.